The past week has marked our one year since Suttons birth, her rush to the NICU, and her 6 day stay that broke my heart. When I gave birth to Everett, everything was so easy. I was 41 weeks and was being induced so everything was planned, my husband was by my side the entire time, and we had NO complications at all. Suttons story was much different. My water broke at 37 weeks while Chris was driving home from Louisiana.. he had to stop somewhere in New Mexico to watch the birth via FaceTime. The nurses took Sutton away from me for observation within about an hour because she was really struggling to breathe. At first they thought she just had some fluid in her lungs, the doctors had intended to just keep a close eye on her lungs in hopes they would heal themselves but the next morning (like, 3AM) a doctor came into my room to tell me it was more serious. After x-rays they saw she had a pneumothorax (a pin size hole in her lung) that was leaking air into her chest cavity which put a ton of pressure on her lungs causing the breathing struggles. They had to insert a really long needle into my poor sweet tiny baby's chest, between her ribs, to pull out some of the air and give her some relief. She was on a breathing and feeding tube for 4 days with a tube going into her lungs with some substance to help strengthen them.. and I think I got to hold her maybe five times total during those days. We were told we could be there for 2-3 weeks but with all of the many prayers said on our behalf Sutton was able to move to the transitional section of the NICU. It had a little sofa bed next to the babe so I was able to stay the night with her for the next few days. Once her temperature and feedings regulated we were able to go home.
We had so many amazing friends and family come visit us or send us well wishes, I don't even remember if we thanked every one of them properly. I'm eternally grateful for every thought and prayer we received during that rough time. I've been replaying every event over the last few days, which I'm trying to do with a positive outlook and not a depressing one (not easy!). Looking at Sutton now you would have no clue she had any issues. She is tiny, but such a firecracker. Her personality is unreal and hilarious. We are beyond blessed and grateful for her presence in our lives.
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