Friday, June 20, 2014

Time To Start Anew

It's been a while since I have posted and I don't feel up to delving into the details of the last year+. So, quick recap: Sutton was born 3 weeks early and immediately showed her attention-demanding nature.. we love her to pieces. She is now 10.5 months old and crazy as ever. Everett is 2! He has a billion words (English), he is learning to potty in the toilet (I will post on that as he progresses), and he is a pretty awesome boy (pure boy, no doubt). We have a dog, Cooper. He is a mix of who knows how many dogs, he's definitely not the Australian Cattle Dog we thought we were adopting! But we love him all the same. Chris and I drove out to Louisiana mid April for him to start working, and in early June the kids and I came back to AZ to visit with my little sisters new sweetest baby girl. We are hoping to be reunited SOON, the sooner the better for my sanity's sake! That's the gist of our lives the past year-ish.

Now, the past few weeks have been rough emotionally for me. I've made a lot of changes that have brought Chris and me to such an awesome point in our marriage. However, I've grown apart from a few friends I used to be very close with. I know that this happens as people "grow up", but I truly never would have expected it to happen with the friendships it did. I have felt a million sad and negative feelings, both in my own mind and projected towards me. I felt so betrayed, lonely, and heartbroken! I got to the point where I would check my Instagram religiously, just waiting to see if these "friends" posted pictures of how great their lives were with each other... without me.. (At that point I seriously don't know what I would have done without Chris, a million brownie points to him for listening to me cry and never making me feel silly.)

So, I've taken a little leave of absence from Instagram. But, I'm really wondering if it's normal to lose such good friends? Or did I happen to just befriend people that secretly hated me and were using me to meet one another and run off into the sunset without me??? That's probably it... sounds legit... Well. I will save my choice words and carry on. Instead of moping, because I'm DONE with that, I am going to cross off the million and one things I've been wanting to do. Crocheting, baking, freezer meals, and LOTS of Pinterest crafts. And to anyone reading this with crappy friend choice and nothing to do, join me!


P.S. No one should have to choose between good friendships and a good marriage, but given the resulting situations.. I am extremely happy with my choices. My hubs is #1.

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