Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge

So since we are in a place with so many pretty things to see Chris and I have decided to use Sundays as exploring days. Last Sunday we visited the Black Bayou Refuge. There was a little visitors center that had the animals/reptiles/fish that were indigenous to the area. The two baby alligators were my favorite. I didn't want to leave them. After the visitors center we walked a nature trail. We saw the bayou, some weird oranges, LOTS and LOTS of insects, and so much green! It was kinda muggy so we didn't stay long. It was very fun though. We love the green and all the fun new animals here that we can't see at home. Here are some pictures :)


  1. That IS a crazy orange!!! Did you try it?!

  2. No way! They were all over the ground and most of them had bugs in them!
