Friday, August 3, 2012

Gators and Friends

Since we arrived in Louisiana about 2 months ago I have been dying to go to Gators and Friends. It is an exotic petting zoo but there are tons of alligators. Today we finally went!!!! We walked around feeding and petting the animals. Zebras, deer, camels, goats, kangaroos, wallabies, alpacas, and some other weird things. A few of the deer licked Everett's feet:) Then we watched the big alligators get fed. It was kind of lame, just looked like a big bucket of dog food that the worker dumped in. The gators jumped out of the water a little, kinda crazy. Finally we got to the part I have been waiting for. We got to hold a baby gator! For free :) We waited in line and tried to figure out how we wanted to do it. I suggested we take Everett up with us and have the worker take a picture of us all together. Chris rejected that idea because obviously gators have diseases and Ev is just way too young. So we each took an individual picture with the gator and one together. It was so much fun and I am so so glad we got to do it before we leave Shreveport.


  1. Looks like lots of fun! Love the hat!!!

  2. oooo i LOVE all these pictures!! You got some good ones! And Ev looks sooo big. I want to cuddle him :)
