Chris has been calling our darling son "Everettus", it's goofy... but quite catchy. When I was in Arizona last month I took Ev in for his check up. Usually he would have had one at 2 months and one at 4 months, but I was home for neither of those. He was 3 1/2 months when we went in. His measurements were as follows:
Weight- 13lbs (25th percentile)
Length- 25in (85th percentile)
Head- I don't remember but it was the 35th percentile!
Here he is!
He will be 5 months old in about a week. He loves all kinds of baby food and rice/oatmeal cereal. We also bought him a little mesh holder with a plastic handle that can hold other fruits or ice. He loves bananas, mangos, kiwis, strawberries and just about anything else we put in there. He has become very goofy, making tons of noise and trying to do some weird blowing noise with his mouth and tongue. He can roll all over the place, he has started to try really hard to get him grippy toes to push off the ground and scoot.. so far he can only go in circles though! He absolutely loves to watch Yo Gabba Gabba on the iPad (he is definitely his fathers son), and he will stare intensely at any screen... even if it's off. I try to take him swimming a few times a week. He splashes like a nut and has a blast watching the water. He tries way too hard to stay awake lately. I begin to go a little nuts and have given into rocking him to sleep. We think he is teething, which explains some of his craziness, but it makes it pain during the day when he refuses to nap. Not only is he aching from his teeth but he is also tired beyond reason. He still likes to be swaddled really tightly, then I rock him and sing "Give said the little stream". I've tried other songs, that's the only one that works 100% of the time! We love this goofy man of ours and feel very blessed to be his parents! I have a ton of pictures I'd like to upload from my phone so hopefully there will be another Ev update soon!
haha! I love this one! He is getting sooo old and Im so sad we have missed it all, but very very happy to see him soon!! :)