Saturday, October 4, 2014

Baby Nostalgia

I recently made photo books with the pictures from both of my deliveries (and some after pictures), so obviously seeing my sweetest tiny babies made me yearn. It's total baby hunger... But not. I think nostalgia is a better definition of it: a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. I just miss MY babies. I want them little and yummy and unable to slap or yell at me....!

I love love love watching them grow up. Their funny personalities, crazy little tempers, and amazingly perfect faces. It's all so overwhelmingly amazing and I just want it to slow down! I can't take enough to pictures to remember the scrunchy nose face Sutton has been giving me or the goofy "shuper powerrrr" stance Everett just learned. I feel like I can't blink or they'll be grown ups!

Chris and I have yet to agree on whether there will EVER be a third Baker babe.. One day he's possibly, maybe interested in the THOUGHT of another- and that turns out to be the day I hate kids (kidding, ish). The days I mention a maaaybe future baby plan- he is so against it he just laughs. Pregnancy was very hard for me, both mentally and physically.. and postpartum is even harder. So maybe it's not in the cards, who knows. We've got time to pray and talk and make whatever decision is best for our family. Our only job right now is to enjoy our two little monsters while they're still little ☺️


  1. I'm pretty sure I'm in the same boat! I like the idea of them not being able to slap me.

    1. Haha, Liz! It's so nice when they're unoponionated 😉
