I found this little survey on another mama's blog and decided it'd be fun to do! I found another one for after the birth with more details on all of this. I thought it'd be nice to have this all written down in case someday I get around to printing this little blog out. Enjoy!
How far along? 37 Weeks, 3 Days
Total weight gain:About 45 lbs, yikes!
Maternity clothes? Definitely. Now I'm mainly in maternity shirts and either leggings, yoga pants, or maxi skirts.
Stretch marks? On my boobs, yes. Nothing on my big ol belly!
Sleep: Barely getting any at all now a days, and half the time it's not even in my own dang bed....
Best moment this week: This week? I have no clue!
Miss Anything? Handstands!!!! And being able to sleep or eat normal.
Movement: So much movement. He's definitely slowed down, moving out of room I assume, but he is still quite the turd.
Food cravings: Um, every once in a while, yes. Cosmic brownies, See's Candies, ICEE, Hot cheetos.... Basically nothing healthy at all :) I do love my fruits and veggies though!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat, oddly enough.. Chicken used to be the main component of my diet and now I really can't stand it very often. I definitely do not ever want to smell it cooking in the house....
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: None really. About three contractions total over the last two or three weeks. He has definitely dropped, which is amazing for my ribs and back.
Symptoms: Lots of pelvic pain from homeboys noggin settling down there.
Belly Button in or out? Absolutely out, it's been out for months now. If it weren't so weird I would post a picture... Chris likes to call it a vienna sausage :(
Wedding rings on or off? On, it was way to big when we got it though. I just never saw a point in resizing it just yet.. So right now it FITS!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Most of the time, happy! I do have some moments I sort of snap. Little melt downs here and there.
Looking forward to: Meeting our tiny guy....!!!
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