Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fun Little Prego Shoot

Heather and I decided we needed to get some pictures taken while we were both big enough to be noticeably prego, and since I don't have much time left it happened this week! We invited Halley, who became our amazing photographer, and we took a little trip to The Lakes in Tempe. It turned out so great and it was so much fun. Here are a few of the pictures :)
I love having a family that I enjoy spending time with! I feel so, so blessed to have my sisters and to be growing such a loving family of my own. I am 36 weeks in these pictures and with less than 4 weeks to go I am beyond ready to get this baby out and have my body back! Chris is starting to get anxious, but I think he will be such a sweet daddy to our handsome little guy.. and I can't wait to see it happen!!!

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