Monday, February 4, 2013

Holiday Festivities

For Halloween we borrowed a costume from Heather, a sweet little elephant. The Saturday before we played at Heathers ward trunk or treat. And then on actual Halloween we went trick or treating with Heather, Kevin, and their kiddos. It was a fun first Halloween and the candy was definitely worth the walk!

We spent Thanksgiving Day with the Baker side family, and then spent the rest of the weekend at Tiesha and Lee's cabin in Heber. It was a nice and relaxing way to spend the holiday.

Christmas went by way too quickly. We helped set up Christmas lights at the temple a few weeks early. We did a pre Christmas Eve the Sunday prior with Chris' family, Christmas Eve with my family, and Christmas day with both families. It was crazy. Everett didn't get a ton, he didn't need much. A few toys, jammies, and some sippy cups. He loved it all and we had a blast watching him enjoy it. 

New Years Eve we did a little bon fire with some of my siblings. It was fun, as usual. We ended up getting home right around midnight and we were all SO tired. Not too eventful but we are glad to have started another year together. 

Watching Ev grow is amazing me more and more. He will soon be a whole year old, and I can't wait for the many more years we have with him.

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