Monday, October 8, 2012

Heber and The Babe

This past weekend we stayed up in Heber at my sister Tiesha's cabin. We tried to get a ton of pictures of Everett... not much else though :) He's just getting so big SO SO quickly. We're realizing how much more we need to be documenting. He is a smiley goober and I am loving his personality. Hopefully he stays this sweet! 

^This was the rabbit slaughtering site...

^This was the rabbit stew we had for dinner, yum!

We love a nice warm fire on cold nights!

Now here come all the cute pictures of baby Ev! We love our sweet little man so much... and him being so dang cute doesn't hurt ;)


He had a few fumbles... But he was alright with just laying down and licking the grass


Ev and Daddy

Freak likes to eat everything

Ev with his daddy and my daddy<3 br="br" nbsp="nbsp">

LOVE LOVE LOVE my baby and my daddy!

I love my sweet mama's boy and am so grateful for my family

1 comment:

  1. AHHH! I LOVE all the updates!! You have inspired me to catch up on mine! ... but first I must make dinner! :) hehe!
