Saturday, February 4, 2012

Some Catching Up!

I haven't had a post in way too long, sorry Jeanne!! I didn't get many pictures of the Christmas season. But we had a wonderful end of the year together. We were able to split Christmas and Christmas Eve with both of our families smoothly, which made me breathe quite a bit easier :) Chris got me a sewing machine and I got him some new jeans. Jeans may seem lame, but he loves them.. so hush.

We spent New Years Eve with my family for a little while, and then just with each other the rest of the night. We didn't make it to midnight :)

As for the babe... He's getting huge! There is no room left in my belly for this sweet little man but he still has about 7 weeks to go! The planning and arranging for the shower has been done, and Chris and I are trying to prepare ourselves for the craziness to come.

While talking to Chris about names, he told me he really doesn't care as long as it's not Hugo so I have full reign over the name. And Everett Lee Baker it is!! Chris served his mission in Everett, Washington and it happens to be my great grandfathers name, so it's perfect :) The Lee, Chris' middle name, just fit so nicely. We are both so excited for our little Everett to make his grand appearance.

I don't totally love being pregnant, with my ever so lovely back issues I am constantly uncomfortable. I get terribly restless legs, or leg cramps which leave me sore. And of course I feel like a whale :) But I'm trying my best to enjoy it while I can, and there are some awesome things about it. Feeling him move is obviously number one. Sometimes it isn't so fun, but it cracks me up to watch/feel my belly distort and wiggle. I also love when he gets the hiccups... which happens to be often lately.

At our doctor appointment Tuesday we were told he was head down, and that we needed to start prepping for the hospital/labor. So our mission for the next week is to watch some awesome labor videos and get the hospital bag ready! Yay!

Now for the belly....

This is at 30 weeks, hopefully I get around to blogging before this baby boy is here! :)

1 comment:

  1. :) YAY! New post, and a fabulous one at that! :)
