September 12, 2011 I married the goofiest, sweetest, most handsome man I've ever met.. Aside from my daddy of course :) We attempted to take a few pictures on a really cool swinging bridge in Spokane, WA. But, of course, there were millions of track runners in the area. So we soaked up the pretty view and headed out.
It was no where near what either of us had envisioned for ourselves, and it was even further from the ideal, but I feel so blessed. I am so proud and happy to be with Christopher, and SO so excited for this sweet bundle of joy growing inside of me. This week she is the size of a large plum... And I will continue to refer to this baby as a "she" until I am proven wrong. :)
I really dislike a post without pictures, so maybe I'll just have to do extras in the next one...
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