Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rolling With The Punches..

Life has been moseying right along, because no matter what we want.. the show must go on : )

My sister Natalie brought her family down from Idaho and they got to stay for a few days longer than usual, which made quite a big difference. I had off of work their last two days here and I loved being able to spend that time with them. We went to the zoo....

And we had a girls night.....
It was sad to see them go AGAIN, but like I said.. the show must go on! Last weekend Serena and Kyle took Halley and me to see Yellowcard in Tucson. They are on tour with Runner Runner (who I just recently discovered!) and Good Charlotte. It was SO much fun. I was so glad I knew at least one of the Runner Runner songs.. concerts are always better when you can sing along.. and then it wasn't awkward when I took a picture with the lead vocalist! ; ) Good Charlotte is old, but they've still got some fun in them maaaan! (The Madden boys said "Maaan" approx. 3 times each sentance....) And Yellowcard is definitely awesome.

I love that I get so many opportunities to spend such fun times with my family, what a blessing!

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