Sunday, March 27, 2011

Another Adventure

Over spring break my parents and I drove up to Idaho Falls, Idaho. My sister up there, Natalie, had decided to sell their camping trailer. So, obviously, my parents needed to buy it : ) haha. We had a blast on the trip. My parents are so goofy, and I am very certain we laughed the entire time. It was pretty nice to have a few days of an actual winter... even though it's spring! While in Idaho Falls we really just tried to hang out. We shopped a lot, ate a lot, and spent the rest of the time inside! My sisters' family just moved so it was fun to see their new place. And it was so much fun to play with my nieces! I miss those goofy girls so much. Jazzlynn Rose is 6 years old, and Daegen Starr is 3. We were sad to leave the babies and my sweet sister, and I'm praying they get the opportunity to move closer to home SOON!

Photos that captured some love:

This is how he acted the entire trip^

Daddy and Baby D

I wrapped her head up : )

I love how animated she is

Natalie Rose!


Me and sweet Jazzy

Just hangin out during a photo shoot... Jazz got ahold of my camera... haha

The whole clan, I love you