Thursday, December 8, 2011

Little Boy, Tiny Boy

We're having a baby boy! He is moving so often, and he is so strong that it's not comfortable anymore :( I have gotten so huge and it is not at all easy to get used to.

Here's my big belly at 23 weeks
I know it will all be worth it in the end, and every time I see his sweet little face on the ultrasounds I am reminded. But when he's keeping me up until 3 in the morning I get a little impatient :) Once I figure out how to work our scanner I will get some of his cute little pictures up.

Just A Little Fun

A few weeks ago Heather, Preston, Halley, myself, and little Ivy went to the Mccormick-Stillman Railroad Park in Scottsdale. The line for the train was about 30+ minutes long so I was letting Preston take some pictures with my camera. We tried to get a little group shot in, but from Preston's angle it wasn't too successful... and Ivy decided I didn't need to be in the picture :)

Snow Daze

This past weekend Chris and I accompanied Heather, Kevin, and Preston in a little day trip to Prescott. We walked around enjoying the cold weather, hot chocolate, and a lovely little tree lighting. I somehow did not manage to get a picture of all of us, but a ton of me and Chris.

Chris and I also took a trip to Globe for kicks and giggles. We drove around the neighborhoods in our cute buggy and stopped to see some more snow.

We love the snow, Chris even said he wouldn't mind living in Prescott.. Hmmmm......

Friday, November 11, 2011

Our Shindig

With the rest of our adventure being not so ideal, I decided I really wanted a small reception. I wanted our families and other loved ones to get together (and, in some cases, to meet each other....). Both my family and his were so helpful, it made things flow and it was so fun :)

Alysson made me a beautiful cake

And then there were family pictures.... Here's mine..

And here's his..

Both of which are now OURS :)

This little mini reception made everything so much more concrete and complete for me. I am so, so grateful for my family... both original and new. And I'm so grateful that these are the families our little bundle has been blessed to have too. Thank you thank you thank you to everyone that helped, at all! I love you<3

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pictures of Us

I apologize for these posts being out of order, but after the next few I should be mainly caught up and back on track!

We had some pre-reception pictures done, I guess they could be like our engagements... minus the fact that we were married when they were taken :) But they are cute, so I thought I would share a few. We went to the Mesa Arts Center where we met our wonderful photographer, Dave, who did a great job.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Lovely Baby Bump

Tadah! My belly is getting huge! It is crazy to watch and feel the changes. About a week ago I felt the first movement.. now this babe is moving all the time! I love it! My favorite is when I first lay in bed, it's like play time. I can feel twists and flips and it is so amazing. I am now 19 weeks and I've been taking pictures every 2 weeks for documentation:

15 Weeks

17 Weeks

19 Weeks
(never mind my super cute face...)

Tomorrow, November 7th, we have an ultrasound to find out if this tiny child is a boy like Chris thinks.... or a cute little girl like I am hoping! Eee!

One Last Zoo Trip

In an attempt to help Tiffany and David with their move, us Baker girls took the kids to the zoo! Wahoo!

The boys had a ton of fun together, and since they won't be together a whole lot anymore we tried to get as many pictures as we could.

They got to ride the camel, and loved it.

Heather and I were feeding a peacock, which was the most frightening thing of the day. They have sharp beaks and make creepy noises..

It was such a long but very fun day, we're all a little bummed to see the Griffin family go. It will be such a great new chapter for them, and now we have someone to visit in Utah!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Falling Into So Much Love

September 12, 2011 I married the goofiest, sweetest, most handsome man I've ever met.. Aside from my daddy of course :) We attempted to take a few pictures on a really cool swinging bridge in Spokane, WA. But, of course, there were millions of track runners in the area. So we soaked up the pretty view and headed out.

It was no where near what either of us had envisioned for ourselves, and it was even further from the ideal, but I feel so blessed. I am so proud and happy to be with Christopher, and SO so excited for this sweet bundle of joy growing inside of me. This week she is the size of a large plum... And I will continue to refer to this baby as a "she" until I am proven wrong. :)

I really dislike a post without pictures, so maybe I'll just have to do extras in the next one...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

From This State To That One

Last weekend we made our big haul from Kentucky to Washington State.. But before we left we got to experience one good storming in KY :)
We passed through a ton of states, but due to my lovely nausea I didn't get to take as many pictures as I had hoped I would. We drove through St. Louis, Missouri and stopped to see the St. Louis Gateway Arch.
In South Dakota there were tons and tons of sunflower fields, so Chris made me trespass for him to take a picture of me IN the sunflowers... Then I got one of him :)
We also saw the great Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.
The last day was mainly in Montana where I got to put my feet in a creek near the road.

It was a long drive, but I did enjoy getting to experience it with Christopher. We are both SO glad to be in Washington.. and to be going home soon!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Life's Twists and Turns

There has been so much excitement in the last month, and it's not going to slow down! Chris and I both have our rings, and I LOVE mine. He was so sweet helping me pick it out and we are both so excited.

Our little peanut will be here in early April of 2012. At our last ultrasound we didn't get to HEAR the heartbeat, but we saw the little flutter on the screen and it was AMAZING. Chris and I have been reading all the books and downloading all the apps on our phones. It is so cute seeing him so interested and involved. I feel so, so blessed to have him and a sweet little baby coming.

We are currently in Lexington, Kentucky. But Saturday we will be making a long drive to Washington! We both love Washington. Chris served his mission there and hasn't been back in a few years so he is pretty excited to be there for a while. We will be there for a total of 5 weeks, and then we will head home to Arizona.. Stopping to see my sister and her family in Idaho first! : ) I'm so happy and so excited for everything that is in store for us. YAY!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

San Pedro, California!

Last weekend Heather and I escaped to San Pedro, California. (It's near long beach.) We rented a car, drove over, and played for a few days. We had a ton of fun in LA's fabric district, we snagged a bed full of fabric for 1/4 of the price it would've been online. We drove around the neighborhoods looking at all the fun houses and crazy streets. We took a tour of the Pt. Fermin Lighthouse, which was pretty awesome. And we played at the beach! Laguna Beach is by far my favorite. Heather and I made a friend named Carlos. We used his board and both, for the first time, tried skim boarding! We have some battle wounds, but it was SO much fun!! I definitely did not want to come back to Arizona.... Here are some fun pictures of our adventures,
: )

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Time I Needed

Last weekend I got to go visit Chris... FINALLY!! We had a ton of fun. He's working in Kentucky but we met in Cincinnati, Ohio. The first day we tried to visit Fountain Square but there was an interesting festival going on so we just walked around downtown. We went to Kings Island amusement park the second day, we only rode a few rides because the heat was out of control. And of course my favorite was saved for the last day, the zoo! It was wonderful! It was so, so great to get to be goofy and laugh with him again. In just a few months he'll be home.