Monday, September 17, 2012

Sister Sister

This past weekend Nicole got to come and stay in New Orleans with us! It was very exciting to have some family/girl time. She flew in Thursday night so Friday was our first full day. We started at the zoo, it was amazing! 
I thought this sign was funny :)

The elephants were SO close

This little bear was adorable. He kept licking his lips and posing on the log..

This is a tigers toy ball!!! I was pretty amazed by it


The Swamp Monster!....

Ev got lots of loves from Auntie Co

After the zoo we rode the bus to a cool baby store called Zukababy where Nicole bought Mr. Everett an amber teething necklace to help with his teething pains. Then we headed home to wait for Chris. Once Chris got home we made our way down to Bourbon Street. It. Is. Crazy. It is so dirty, in so many ways. Lots of shockers down there. We ate some dinner, tried some nasty seafood and then headed home for the night.

The second day we walked through the Insectarium downtown. The majority of the bugs were disgusting and huge and I didn't take pictures.

There were some sweet little gators

Ev is a spaz

Hahahaha^^^ "Really mom??"

There's my sweet little guy

Our only group shot

Next we went to the aquarium, these little penguins must have been hungry. They were staying by the glass and following our hands, trying to bite us! Ev was quite interested..

He wouldn't quit trying to eat the dang sea horse..

Then on to Cafe Du Monde for some famous beignets!

Guess who loved them?....

We caught a parade on the way home. I can't recall what it was for but the little girls dancing were a hoot..

Sunday we checked out the oldest cemetery in Louisiana.

The graves/tombs were huge and crazy. Some of them went all the way back into the 1700's!

There were a few graves that looked like this with x's and little things left on them. Chris said there is a ghost who haunts the cemetery. Her body was buried there with her daughters. People would come to their tombs and practice voodoo.

After the cemetery we had some lunch and then pretty much just hung out. Chris kept E while Nicole and I went to a little treat place. Those pictures are on my phone though. She left early early this morning. It was soo, so great to have her come and play. Thank you for all your help Co! Love you!!!