Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Catch Up On Life

I have been quite the slacker when it comes to blogging. Motherhood just took over and I'm just barely beginning to adjust and feel more "normal". In the middle of May my daddy and Halley drove Everett and I to Little Rock, Arkansas. Chris met us and we drove down to Camden, Arkansas where the team was working. It felt amazing to be back together and spending time as a family. I love watching Chris with Ev. We stayed in Camden for a little bit, then moved to Hope, then to Monticello. Finally we made it to Shreveport, Louisiana where we were supposed to be all summer :) We've been here for a few months now and there is a Target so I'm okay with this place. When Chris leaves for work Ev and I usually hang out by the pool or just lounging around the room. I feel so grateful for Chris and his opportunity to work to support our family. I love being able to stay with Ev and not worry about too much. A few weeks ago Chris got sick. Just a cold, but then I got sick... and then Ev got sick. I hate when Everett gets sick. It's so hard to watch him struggle. Even though it was just a cold the drainage goes straight to his lungs so his cough escalated pretty quickly. After my vacation plans changed we decided it would be the perfect time to send me and Ev home. I could get him to the doctor, get him better, and let everyone see him before he gets too huge! We spent about 2 weeks in Arizona and it was quite wonderful.. minus the disgusting heat of course :) Ev loved playing with his cousins, getting loved on by his aunties, and snuggling his grandparents. No matter how great it is to be with family, I don't think there is anything that makes me smile like watching Chris play with Ev. Now for the pictures!