Thursday, December 8, 2011

Little Boy, Tiny Boy

We're having a baby boy! He is moving so often, and he is so strong that it's not comfortable anymore :( I have gotten so huge and it is not at all easy to get used to.

Here's my big belly at 23 weeks
I know it will all be worth it in the end, and every time I see his sweet little face on the ultrasounds I am reminded. But when he's keeping me up until 3 in the morning I get a little impatient :) Once I figure out how to work our scanner I will get some of his cute little pictures up.

Just A Little Fun

A few weeks ago Heather, Preston, Halley, myself, and little Ivy went to the Mccormick-Stillman Railroad Park in Scottsdale. The line for the train was about 30+ minutes long so I was letting Preston take some pictures with my camera. We tried to get a little group shot in, but from Preston's angle it wasn't too successful... and Ivy decided I didn't need to be in the picture :)

Snow Daze

This past weekend Chris and I accompanied Heather, Kevin, and Preston in a little day trip to Prescott. We walked around enjoying the cold weather, hot chocolate, and a lovely little tree lighting. I somehow did not manage to get a picture of all of us, but a ton of me and Chris.

Chris and I also took a trip to Globe for kicks and giggles. We drove around the neighborhoods in our cute buggy and stopped to see some more snow.

We love the snow, Chris even said he wouldn't mind living in Prescott.. Hmmmm......