Monday, May 16, 2011

Love & Texas

Friday I flew to Texas to bring Destiny home from San Angelo, Chris was still in Texas so he made his way over to me and it was AMAZING to get to spend time with him again. He's the best. It was also really great to have him finally meet Destiny and for us to meet her boyfriend Aaron. The weekend was all around awesome having us all together. We had a blast and I have some pictures to prove it : )
Chris says I'm turning him into a nerd.. Destiny had this game (which me and Chris later went and bought) with velcro paddles and a tennis ball. The ball sticks to the paddles and Chris and I were awesome together.. We got pretty into it ; )
This is Destiny and Aaron.. I think they might be bigger nerds than us.. Haha!

The Grand Canyon- May 2011!

Last weekend was our hike! My parents, Tiesha, Sterling, and myself all hiked down into the canyon Sunday then out on Tuesday. We started on Hermits, went over Tonto, and came out Bright Angel. It was awesome, rough, and tons of fun. I love my family and am SO grateful for all the opportunities I have to spend time with them. I didn't get a ton of pictures, almost none from the last day. It started snowing and my hands were too freezing to get my camera out! But here are a few of what I did get..

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The air smells like...

The good life!
So much seems to be going on now! I'm so, so grateful for my family.. and those that are like family : ).. I was so bummed when Chris first left and having loved ones around to keep me busy is the best blessing I could've asked for. Here's a few going-ons...

ONE) Daddy, Tiesha, and Kyle all had birthdays... with yummy cakes!, And Kyle, Serena, and I went to the Easter pageant..
I love my Dad!

I love this picture.. Everyone has such a different expression and it cracks me up
I'm certain Kyle didn't get to blow out his candles.. Haha!

Easter Pageant group picture : ), can you eat a crybaby gum ball without closing your eyes?

TWO) Heather invited me to her play group where we visited with some animals! There were so many babies and I love love loved it. I didn't get any pictures, but there was a duckling that was cuter than anything else and he was napping in our hands : )
This little lamb was so sweet, except she sucked on my hands and when I looked at them afterwards they were basically solid brown. Kind of nasty.. Haha
The Rheas crept me out.. freaky animal..
The lamb also loved Preston... I'm not sure that love was reciprocated : )
And then we took a little trip to Mind Over Batter, which turned out to be a super delicious cupcake shop. With tons of frosting. Yum.

THREE) As most of you know.. There was a royal wedding.. so there obviously needed to be a royal wedding party... two days later : ) Alysson and I ran around like crazy getting fancy/classy finger foods and decorating necessities. We had a guest book with a photo of the couple by the door, lights and tulle hung to set the mood, and rose petals to finish it all off! Everyone was required to dress up, and speak in an accent. It was a very, very fun time. And there are more parties to come!
Even the dogs dressed up! Here's Nephi and Kuzco playing..
And here is the handsome devil...
A celebratory toast to Will & Kate!
A group shot...
Halley played a beautiful composition on the piano.. in her lovely dress : )
And here's the beautiful hostess, Alysson.. and her French monsieur..

FOUR) Heather found a cool cupcake book, so we obviously had to try one out!

We started with a recipe...
And marshmallows...
Then cut the marshmallows in half and shook them in sprinkles to create the petals..
And we ended up with about 40 of these!

And a few outcasts : )
It was so much fun, and they turned out so stinkin cute! I can't wait to do more!

This was such a long post! Yay for fun things to share : ) Now back to the books!