Time for an update!
Momma turned 55 last week! We had a little BBQ and she loved having all of her grand-babies around to sing to her.. and of course I loved playing with those babies just as much : )
Halley, Sayer Dax, and Ivy
I tagged along with Serena and Kyle to Wyatt's baseball game.. Rawlee and Karson had my camera the entire time. Needless to say, I have super cute pictures from that.
Serena and Rawlee
Wyatt's "awesome" face!
Of course most of the pictures were direct face shots : )
I have been trying for over a month to find a onesie for this little man that says something about how awesome I, his aunt, am..... FINALLY!!!! Babies R Us, 7 dollars. He wears it perfectly.
He's too cute!
Sunday night Serena, Kyle, and myself made our own pasta! Kyle found a pasta press at Ross for 20 bucks. It was awesome, and delicious.
Serena cannot make a normal face in pictures...
Since Chris is gone his spot at the table was empty, it was weird/sad.... so Rena brought the bear out. This is our couple photo... I miss the real Christopher. I know it's hard to believe... but the bear didn't cut it!
Week one down, Adios!