Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Feeling Like It's Summer Time

Time for an update!

Momma turned 55 last week! We had a little BBQ and she loved having all of her grand-babies around to sing to her.. and of course I loved playing with those babies just as much : )

Ivy Lucile
Karson Olivia
Halley, Sayer Dax, and Ivy

I tagged along with Serena and Kyle to Wyatt's baseball game.. Rawlee and Karson had my camera the entire time. Needless to say, I have super cute pictures from that.

Serena and Rawlee
Wyatt's "awesome" face!
Of course most of the pictures were direct face shots : )

I have been trying for over a month to find a onesie for this little man that says something about how awesome I, his aunt, am..... FINALLY!!!! Babies R Us, 7 dollars. He wears it perfectly.

He's too cute!

Sunday night Serena, Kyle, and myself made our own pasta! Kyle found a pasta press at Ross for 20 bucks. It was awesome, and delicious.

Serena cannot make a normal face in pictures...

Since Chris is gone his spot at the table was empty, it was weird/sad.... so Rena brought the bear out. This is our couple photo... I miss the real Christopher. I know it's hard to believe... but the bear didn't cut it!

Week one down, Adios!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Sweet Doggy

My dog Nephi (Nee-Fee) is half chihuahua and half... something else. She hates water, but loves chasing ducks. So much that she ends up running away into the water with her leash on. She is too slow to catch them.. I just love watching her try! Last weekend my parents, Halley, and myself went down to Roper Lake and Nephi got to join! And of course I got pictures of her lake adventures....

She tries so hard to get those duckies : )

And when she realizes she can't, she swims right back!